We've gone sailing a couple of times so far this month and both have been interesting trips.
Don't worry, no bodily harm this time, just fun and excitement!
Entering Tampa Bay and readying to raise the main sail |
Our first sail out into Tampa Bay was pretty eventful. I heard on the VHF radio that there was a boat fire and then the location (which I didn’t catch).
Wow, that sounds serious! Maybe we would hear more on the radio, or even see it! Sure enough when we got out of the Manatee River and into the mouth of Tampa Bay, there was a helicopter hovering in the distance. As we got closer there was indeed smoke billowing from the boat and (with the aid of binoculars) we saw the copter lowering a rescue sling.
We don’t know if it was an actual emergency rescue or just a (realistic) drill. I think it was probably the latter since radio activity was zero during the rescue operation. I would have thought if people were in danger there would be someone on the line giving instructions and reassurance. Plus, I don’t think anyone actually went up in the sling…but our binoculars don’t zoom super far.
Rescue operation |
You can't see in this picture, but there was a cloud of something coming out of the boat and the helicopter was lowering a backboard. Whether the smoke was real or simulated, I know not. |
On another trip into the bay Ransom came up with the best idea EVER! Once our sails were set and we were comfortable, Ransom hopped in the dinghy to get some shots (and even a video) of Vitte under full sail! Needless to say, as soon as he motored away the dogs became very concerned and upset. They were much happier when Ransom returned and was safely aboard again.
Full sail |
Upset pups on the bow |
Captain Lala |
Comin' to get ya! |
very cool guys...it's super exciting to follow you guys on your journey to your journey...was that one of the pups yelping in the video?
That was Charlie yelping (I think)
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