

Sorry about the delay in getting a new blog posted, we have been super busy!  So instead of giving a week by week breakdown of January, we decided to condense it all into one post surmising the month.

Lots has happened since January, and I need to get working right away on February so far, so without further adieu, here are January's projects:

  • Rerouted scupper drains
  • Attached boom
  • Guys prepped and painted hull
All sanded and ready for a fresh paint job

Port side painted

  • We were on board for a torrential downpour, but it was super cozy inside (a good sign), and it was a perfect opportunity to observe and note leaks for caulking.
    • Caulked forward hatch until it was water tight

First rainy day on the boat

  • Sanded deck for paint and non-skid 
Sanded deck (forward)

Sanded deck (aft)...we decided not to paint the cockpit right away, we'll do that ourselves later

Nice fresh paint  ^_^

It's hard to see, but the yellowish tint is the nonskid...basically sand + paint

Close up of the freshly painted hull.  People keep asking what the color is, we are calling it Caribbean Blue, but I may start calling it Caribleu

All painted and ready for the dance

She's a real boat!!!

ENGINE (and engine room):
  • Got new outboard for dingy
Suzuki 4 stroke, 6 horse power
  • Chafe proofed engine room
  • Hooked up steering, throttle, and shifter
  • Ran engine for FIRST TIME!!!

New engine, all hooked up and ready to run


  • Attached zincs and prop, bent cotter pins on engine and prop
People keep walking by and asking, "you think those zincs are big enough?"

  • Built, fortified, painted and installed muffler platform
Another brilliantly engineered piece by Ransom

  • Attached engine hosing
Tubes and hoses and wires, oh my!

  • Installed exhaust system
You should have seen the old exhaust system (wish I got a good pic), it was disgusting!

  • Installed manual bilge pump
All it needs is the tubes!

  • Jim (#4) delivered new v-berth mattress
  • Installed new battery switch
  • Hooked up cabin lights, navigation equipment, and aft cabin to electrical panel
  • Built and installed nav station shelving
  • Installed radar monitor and VHF radio
Nice and compact

  • Started hooking up head
I think there is gong to be a serious learning curve for me

1 comment:

Jess P said...

Looks great!